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The Education Office in Warsaw

Accessibility declaration -

Accessibility declaration

Education Office in Warsaw undertakes to ensure the accessibility of its website in accordance with the Act of 4 April 2019 on the digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities. The accessibility statement applies to the website: The Education Office in Warsaw.

Website publication date: 2015-03-19. Date of the last major update of this website: 2015-03-19.

The website is partially compliant with the Act of April 4, 2019 on the digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities due to the non-compliances or the exemptions listed below:


  • The website contains content and documents that do not meet digital accessibility requirements;
  • The site contains images and graphics without or with insufficient alternative text.


  • Content (e.g. videos, documents), that was not created by Education Office in Warsaw;
  • Documents whose adaptation to digital accessibility requirements requires modifications to which the Education Office in Warsaw is not authorized .

This statement was prepared on: 2019-09-23. The declaration was last reviewed and updated on 2024-03-29. The declaration was prepared on the basis of self-assessment of public entity.

You can use standard browser keyboard shortcuts on the website.


Feedback and contact information

The contact person for the accessibility of the website is Jakub Bulik. If you experience any problems with accessibility of the website, contact with us by sending an e-mail to: , or by calling 22 551 24 00 ext. 1072. Requests for providing accessible alternative for non-accessible content as well as other requests related to accessibility can be submitted by the same channels.

Anyone has the right to request the accessibility of a digital website, mobile application or any element thereof. It is also possible to request that the information be made available through an alternative means of accessibility, for example by reading a digitally inaccessible document, describing the content of a film without an audio-description, etc. The request should include:

  • contact details of the reporting person,
  • indication of the page or mobile application to which the request relates,
  • contact method,
  • if the requesting person reports the need to receive information by means of an alternative method of access, they should also specify a convenient mode of presenting such information to them.

The public entity should comply with the request without delay, but no later than 7 days from the date of the request. If it is not possible to meet this deadline, the public entity shall inform the person making the request without delay when it will be possible to comply with the request, but the deadline shall not be longer than 2 months from the date of the request. If digital accessibility is not possible, the public entity may offer an alternative access to the information.

If a public entity refuses to comply with a request to ensure accessibility or an alternative method of access to information, the person making the request may file a complaint regarding the digital accessibility of the website or mobile application. After exhausting the procedure indicated above, you can also submit an application to the Commissioner for Human Rights.


Architectural accessibility

  1. There is one entrance to the Education Office in Warsaw at Aleje Jerozolimskie 32 in Warsaw, located at the gate. The entrance is open to the public during the office hours. Due to heavy car traffic conditions, special care should be taken.
  2. Only the ground floor corridor is accessible to wheelchair users (platform for a wheelchair). The elevator in the building is not adapted to wheelchair users. If the customer is unable to reach the appropriate office unit, an employee shall go down to the ground floor and serve the customer in a convenient way. This need must be reported to the security officer on the ground floor. The customer toilet is located on the 1st floor of the building. The toilet is adapted for people with disabilities.
  3. At the entrance, on the left side, on the glass door, there is a sticker with the name of the institution written in Braille. On the right side of the entrance door, there is a bell button located for wheelchair users. There are stairs leading to the ground floor, which can be reached by a wheelchair platform. Platform size: 1 m x 1,15 m. The platform is manual and requires help of a second person when in use. There are no induction loops in the building. Information boards in Braille are placed next to the entrances to the offices of Education Superintendents and Department Directors.
  4. Due to the location of the Education Office in Warsaw (centre of Warsaw) the Office does not have a private parking. Approximately 50 meters away from the entrance door to the building, in Aleje Jerozolimskie, there is a parking space designed for people with disabilities.
  5. It is possible to enter to the building and office rooms with assistance or guide dog.
  6. If there is a need of the assistance of a Polish Sign Language interpreter, it is highly recommended to submit the application at the Education Office in Warsaw office at least 3 days before the actual date of the service.


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